SIKIA is using radio broadcasting to enlarge the ecosystem and enroll as many farmers as possible to our agronomic information service. Mid-2018 we started airing weekly live radio broadcasts about weather information and good agricultural practices on Bomba FM. Due to the success on Bomba FM we followed up by also airing on a second station named Chai FM thereby increasing the reach and frequency of SIKIA’s radio programs to Kyela and Busokelo.
The live radio broadcasts encouraged interactive communication with smallholder rice farmers which resulted in an increased number of farmers enrolling to the agronomic advice service: in December we reach a milestone by registering our 10,000th farmer.
Are you interested in receiving agronomic advice on your phone? Or do you know rice farmers in Mbeya who could benefit from such information? Then help us reach them by sharing SIKIA’s USSD service number: *149*50*51#.