SIKIA is a public-private partnership in the rice value chain in Tanzania. The project targets 125,000 smallholder farmers in the SAGCOT area, enabling them to increase their yields and incomes. The partnership will enable better connectivity in the value chain for provision of new products and services.
SIKIA is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) focused on providing Knowledge and Information for Tanzania’s rice value chain. SIKIA provides actionable information, which enables farmers to make better decisions on enhancing their productivity and provides them with better access to relevant markets (agro-dealers, offtakes and processors). SIKIA is implemented in two phases: Phase 1 (set up of information services, piloting and prepare for scale up) and Phase 2 (scale-up). The project is jointly financed by Netherlands Space Office (NSO) and AGRA.
SIKIA for Agri-business
Agri-businesses such as rice millers, traders, input distributers, agents and financial service providers can all benefit from SIKIA’s information services. SIKIA offers insights of what is actually happening in the field, for example: where are rice farmers located, what are the exact growth stages, when is harvest expected? The unique aspect of SIKIA is that we can provide near real-time information on plot level, which allows for direct communication with a specific farmer. Agri-businesses can promote their products directly to farmers, based on the actual status and reach larger number of farmers in a more efficient way.
SIKIA for Farmers
Smallholder farmers in the rice value chain in Tanzania are in need of reliable and effective information services. SIKIA offers much needed information, such as:
- Information on the actual plot size and the growth conditions on a farmer specific plot.
- Relevant information tailored on the specific growth stage, such as are weather insights, forecasts and alerts, good agricultural practices and possible diseases.
- Direct access to agri-businesses that offer products and services relevant to the farmer for improving their yields.
Farmers receive such information through different channels: radio, extension officers and, increasingly, via mobile phones.
Role: Implementation of the IT systems, information provision and agro-modelling
Project location
The SIKIA project is implemented in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT). SIKIA focuses on all active smallholder rice farmers and rice agribusinesses in the SAGCOT area, starting with Mbeya. These regions both have a large potential in the rice industry as they have the highest paddy production.
Are you an agribusiness active in the rice sector in the SAGCOT area? Then register now for a free trial of SIKIA’s information service by clicking on the button below.