Farmer engagement at demonstration plots

By 8 June 2020 2019, SIKIA

Farmer engagement is a key element of the SIKIA project. Our partner Kilimo Trust spent numerous hours with local rice farmers conducting GAP training at four demonstration plots:

Makwale scheme (Kyela), Kisegese scheme (Busokelo) and Kasyabone scheme (Busokelo).

Establishment of demo plots was done in collaboration with extension officers of the respective rice schemes and the selected farmers whose fields were used to demonstrate the best agronomic and harvesting practices. Farming operations such as land preparation (ploughing), weeding, fertilizer application, water management, bird scaring and harvesting was done by lead farmers and Kilimo Trust advised on leveling, transplanting and inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, insecticides and fungicide as well as cost of demonstrating harvesting technologies.

Do you want to know where farmers are based, what kind of variety they are growing and when their harvest is expected without having to leave your office? Then register now for a free trial of SIKIA’s online information platform.